AAF at the TERN Science Symposium 2023

AAF attended the Biennial TERN Science Symposium 2023 at the Queensland State Library, Brisbane, 28 and 29 July.

Along with fellow NCRIS capabilities TERN, ARDC and ANFF, we were amongst 150 attendees from across Australia and Asia’s ecosystem science community.

It was a great opportunity to connect and discuss the services we offer, and how we can connect your digital research. We spoke to many attendees at our booth and presented a poster on ‘A connected ecosystem through trust and identity’.

In 2023 the TERN Science Symposium explored how research helps to address a range of current challenges, including:

  • land management for sustainable ecosystem services
  • evidence-based environmental decisions
  • net carbon and sequestration
  • biodiversity stewardship
  • technology for conservation, AI, ML and associated data challenges
  • environmental scenarios, forecasts and predictions
  • ecosystem monitoring, assessments and reporting
  • environmental standards, methods and protocols.

AAF supports ecosystem e-research by enabling trusted access and greater collaboration. We are partnering with national research infrastructures through the Trust and Identity Pathfinder Project to develop a system-wide approach.

If you have any questions about increasing access to your research, and would like to speak with us further, please contact us.

For more information about the TERN Science Symposium 2023 visit their site.

Download our poster.