Policy Development Kit for Research Collaborations

Discover a suite of common policies enabling trusted and secure collaboration across multiple services and organisations. The Policy Development Kit for Research Collaborations offers a structured approach for developing policies related to access, identity management, and trust within a collaborative research environment. Speak with us about Trust and Identity for your organisation.


These documents are provided as guidance only. Each organisation or Collaboration must consider its own unique context, legislative obligations, and trust and identity requirements to complete and implement the Trust and Identity Policy Development Kit. AAF and other national research infrastructure members of the Policy Working Group, are not liable for any loss or damage, from any implementation or action taken to implement this Policy.

00 - Instructions on how to use the Policy Development Toolkit

This instruction document outlines defining the collaboration, assessing risk, managing membership, privacy management and security management.

01 - Top Level Collaboration Policy

To fulfil its mission, it is necessary for the Collaboration to protect its assets. This document presents the policy regulating those activities of participants related to the security of the Collaboration.

02 - Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy helps to define which information you need to collect about a user and whether your research community will have an Information Protection Officer.

03 - Policy on the Processing of Personal Information

This policy ensures that data collected as a result of the use of the Collaboration is processed fairly and lawfully by Collaboration participants.

04 - Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use defines the rules and conditions that govern your access to and use (including transmission, processing, and storage of data) of the resources and services as granted by the research collaboration.

05 - Acceptable Authentication Assurance Policy

In order to protect its assets, the Infrastructure needs to authenticate, identify, and trace Users granted access to its Services.

06 - Membership Management Policy

This policy is designed to establish trust between a Community and other Communities, Infrastructures, and the Research and Education (R&E) federations.

07 - Service Operations Security Policy

By running a Service, you agree to the conditions laid down in this document and other referenced documents, which may be subject to revision.

08 - Incident Response Procedure

This procedure applies for any suspected or confirmed security breach with a potential impact on the Infrastructure or on other Infrastructure participants.

09 - Risk Assessment

An actual template for a risk assessment is not provided, since it heavily relies on the type of processing that is taking place. The table below provides possible risk sources, and how can they be considered and mitigated.
Please contact us to receive editable versions of the PDK documents.

Other useful resources

Please find below some useful information and resources for your organisation.

AAF support tutorials

If you need any assistance implementing trust technologies within your organisation, visit our tutorial hub for easy step-by-step guides.

Contact Us

We are partnering with national research infrastructures to enable access by researchers, industry and government. If you need help with trust and identity for your organisation, contact us.